Friday, July 27, 2007

Kitchen and Sikkim Tea

Going back to Sikkim again. Tea and the kitchen ( in Dzongu) and Pema and Pema's sister. Pema is a lawyer. His sister is the world's best possible cook. They are sitting in the kitchen. The kitchen is an integral part of the house in Sikkim. Everything from watching tv, reading magazines, post-dinner-lovely-marathon-conversations-without-washing-hands, dinner, breakfast, everything happens here. Get the drift?

This tea is the best possible tea I have had so far, you get a bad version at the Oxford bookstore in Delhi ( in that stupid cha bar).

(Got a call in the morning, Affected Citizens of Teesta have been asked to call off their hunger strike, or else legal action will be taken. Next week, we travel to a lot of places, lot of places.)